Standard Workflow

Upload Document
- Upload documents into the system
- Uploaded file extension jpg., pdf., png.
- Multiple upload formats, No fix templete
- Processing time 30-60 seconds/page
OCR Procress
- The system will automatically extract text into each data field.
- Able to edit text, In the case of unclear document quality Therefore causing the information to come out incorrect.
Export OCR result
Export data in an Excel file can specify the desired file.
The information can be used for further use.
Zcheck System Step

Zcheck – Helpful Tips
- Zcheck can hover over the text to see the OCR results on some unextracted text. be used in case of need to extract more text
- Zcheck can select text to enter each field, including Copy/Paste the text in the document paper.
- Zcheck can auto focus in case of clicking on the field that checks the correctness.
- Zcheck can zoom in / zoom out documents for work easier
Confidence Score